REETINGS FROM OVERNMENT HOUSE Hon. T. W. L. Prowse ONE HUNDRED years ago the City of Charlottetown was founded by an Act of Incorporation of the Provincial Parlia¬ ment. The Lieutenant - Governor at that time, Sir Thomas Daley , willingly assented to the bill, and as his successor a century later it is indeed a distinct pleasure for me to tender my con¬ gratulations to Charlottetown on the completion of its first hun¬ dred years of civic progress and achievement. May the century that lies ahead bring to this fair City an even greater era of pros¬ perity and good fortune. Many are the changes that have taken place in Charlottetown during the period we are now commemorating. In this Centen¬ nial Year let us review the hardships, the pleasures, and the cus¬ toms of that period and in so doing pay tribute to those worthy pioneers who left to us a monument of their good government and prudent administration in the modern city in which we live today. As we reflect on these things we can only feel for our founders a very deep appreciation and admiration for their cour¬ age and endurance in those pioneer days. As Centennial celebrations are the tributes of posterity to the past, let us during the year 1955 join together in paying tribute to those who have played some part in our City's progress during the past century. Lieutenant Governor.