ESTABLISHED 1890 ii ii INCORPORATED 1910 Over a half century of serving the Maritimes and the Gaspe Peninsula . Manufacturers of Imperial Motors, Stationary Boilers, Motor Boat Equipment, Brass and Grey Iron Castings, Forgings, Steel Tanks and Fab¬ ricators. Custom Machine Work, Electric and Acetylene Welding. Marine Repairs of all types. BRUCE STEWART & COMPANY LIMITED A QUIET HOME IN DOWNTOWN CHARLOTTETOWN . . The Revere Hotel, in the heart of downtown Charlottetown , was acquired by the Brown family in 1896 and has been operated by the same family ever since. Prior to 1896 it was known for many years as the Rocklyn House and is believed to be the oldest hotel of its type in the Province. It is known far and wide for its traditional hospitality. Headquarters through the years for sports¬ men, particularly horsemen, the Revere is also a popular place with the tourist. The original Brown of the Revere, the late Picton S. Brown of Uxbridge, Ontario , was attracted to Charlottetown because of his interest in horses. It was his great love of the racing game which brought him to Prince Edward Island and the eventual ownership and operation of the Revere. Following in his father's footsteps, Bryon Brown , the second of the family to operate the hotel, became a widely-known sportsman in the Maritimes. He is a former Maritime bicycle champion and won second prize in a one-mile world bike race in Montreal in 1899. He was also a noted football player, past president of the Abegweit Club and one of the best known judges in the Maritime horse racing circuit. It is only natural that sport is a live topic in the cosy Revere Hotel sitting room. Here you are not a stranger but more like a member of the family. Un¬ failing courtesy and service has made the Revere a popular place to stay. You will be pleased with the friendly, "homey" atmosphere of the Revere. A large parking space is provided at the rear of the hotel at no extra charge. Rates at the hotel are extremely reasonable for the type of accommodation and service offered. The current manager is Frank Brown , grandson of the original Brown owner. This third-generation, family hotel is just the place you are looking for. You'll find it at , or you can phone 7215 for a reservation. /