by the School Board, and although old are kept in good repair, nicely decorated inside and equipment kept up to date. In both and Schools Kindergarten classes are operated for pupils aged five years. Manual Training has been carried on for years in both and Schools for the boys, and Home Economic classes are available for girls of all the schools under the jurisdiction of the School Board. As in other places the school population has been increasing, and the matter of erecting a Junior High School open to all children of the City schools from grades 7 to 10 has been under consideration for some years. In 1953 a contract was let for erection of such a school and on 2nd September 1954 the corner stone of the Queen Charlotte High School was laid by the Chairman of the School Board, Dr. B. G. Lea , and the school opened to pupils on the 7th of that month. This school is modern and up to date in all respects, with eighteen class rooms and splendid accommodation and equipment for Manual Training , Home Economics, Physical Education, Art, Library and Audi¬ torium. The City Board of School Trustees now consists of nine members, seven men and two women, four of which including the Chairman are appointed by the Provincial Government and five by the City Council. The Staff of the Board consists of a Superintendent, Secretary, with two part time assistants. The teachers employed in the five schools number ninety-eight, who receive their income from two sources, viz.: The salary is paid by the Provincial Department of Education and a supplement from the Board of School Trustees. Charlottetown 's new High School — 1955. filial II 1 1 1 1 — ♦; *Jpfi «****•»•