1868 - Education Act was passed repealing all previous

legislation. It covered practically the same things with changes

slight or marked.

1877 - Public Schools’Act. It embodied findings of a Parliamentary Committee which had reported to the Legislature the year before, and recommendations of the Board of Education. The Lot covered the whole field of educational administration.

The section particularly pertinent to the history of this school is that one in which Summerside and Charlottetown were

severally constituted a district, having a Board of Trustees of 7 members 4 appointed by the Government and 3 by the town. This

Board had all the powers held by rural trustees. The Town Council

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was to provide monies for mail of Charlottetown and Summerside were subject to provisions of the Public Schools Act which came into force July 1, 1877.

The Act met with considerable opposition. Hostility was provoked by clauses that made one straight uniform curriculum

for all public schools, and that fined parents who did not send

children to public school inasmuch as upon them fell assessment for

deductions in teachers salary by reason of deficiency in attendance.

Others objected because assessment now fell on all in the district

with or without children. The "supplement" clause added to the

injustice because it took more money from this aggrieved class and

gave it to the teacher "who was but an idler in their midst":

Resentment was so strong in Charlottetown it delayed for

months the appointment of its 3 members. The M Government members

were appointed July 2; 1877, but it was not until February 4, 18787

that a letter was read at the Board from the City Clerk appointinfl


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