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Peter Warren

The Smith property was sold to Peter Warren in the 1890’s. Peter, 1854-1925, was the son of James Edward Warren, 1819-19101 and Mary Eunice (Howatt) Warren, 1814-1908. The Warrens ca me from North River, moved to Augustine Cove, later to Burlington on the old George Profitt farm and then to Clinton.

Peter Warren married Sarah Jane Campbell, Irishtown and they had one son James Donald, 1880-1973.

He married Hilda Dalve and they lived in California.

Peter’s wife died and he re—married Mary (Cousins) Warren. 1868—1951. They had the following family: Mable, William, Fed

and Janie. Mable, born 1892, married Hedley Woodside. See his hist(ry.

William, born 1894, took charge of the mills in 1922 and in tiat year he married Annie MacKay, 1895—1971. They had a daugltei Lorna, born 1923. She married James Heffell, Traveller’s Rest

They had a son Reginald, born 1925. He lives at the farm home with his father.

Will sold the mill property to James K. Smith in 1945 1nd moved to Kensington to the farm formerly owned by Hartle Biw

ness. Fred, born 1895, and Janie, born 1897, are unmarried.

