after the death of her husband, who died in 1883. It stood on a plot of land on the Rogerson farm near the houses recently built by Llewelyn Gamble and Harold Oakes . Some years after the death of Mrs. Potts the house was bought by Mrs. John Matters , and moved to its present site on a plot of land which she bought from Herbert Lowther . She and her fam¬ ily lived there for a number of years, and eventually the house was bought by Mrs. Luque and is in perfect condition at the present time. RECTORS OF ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH SINCE 1957 — Rev. George E . F. Ebsary , 1952-1958 Rev. Cannon T. E. Loder , June, 1958 — Nov. 1960 Rev. A. W. Garwood , Nov., 1963 — Sept., 1964 Rev. Michael Ness , 1965 — At the Annual Church Meeting, held in January, 1969, the following Vestry members were appointed:— LeRoy Howatt , Eric Lowther , Wrixon Moore, Earl Fall , James Moore , Edward Sherren , Chester Wilson , Florence Myers , Amy Howatt , Rhoda Lowther , Marion MacDonald and Ella Sherren . LeRoy Howatt is Vestry Clerk. The following Wardens were appointed:— Frank Myers and John MacQuarrie . This is the first time that women have been appointed Ves¬ try members. They are also eligible to be sent as delegates to the General Synod . The W. A . of St. John's Anglican Church is now known as St. John's A.C.W. The name Women 's Auxiliary has been changed to Anglican Church Women . Mrs. Frances MacKinnon is President and Marion Mac - Donald is Sect-Treas. CRAPAUD UNITED CHURCH Ministers of this Church from 1953 to the present time (1972) were:— Rev. Lloyd Archer , 1953-1957; Rev. Douglas Earle , 1957-1961; Lester MacFarlane , (Student Minister) 1961 - 1962; Rev. W. A. MacQuar ¬ rie, D.D . 1962 - 1963; Rev. Allison O' Brien , 1963-1968; Rev. Angus Brown , 1968- In 1968 The Tryon and Hampton Pastoral Charges were united into one charge. This amalgamation was caused partly by the shortage of min¬ isters, and partly by the number of families. Cape Traverse Church was again attached to the Bedeque Charge. Crapaud Church was forced to be closed for regular worship services, and the congregation to join with Tryon . The Church is still being used for Sunday School classes and the occasional special Service. At the time of writing the roof is being re- shingled, after being damaged when a severe storm blew off the top of the flue. It is also being repainted inside and out. In 1956 Memorial Chimes and a Plaque were installed in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MacDonald , Mr. and Mrs. George Nicholson , Mr. and 9