Mrs. Robert Simmons , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trowsdale , Mr. and Mrs. George T. Trowsdale , Mrs. Percy Dawson , Mr. Harry Leard , Mr. Albert Stordy , and Norman Best , by members of their immediate families. A be¬ quest of two hundred dollars was received in 1957 from the estate of Ern. Stordy. A thousand dollar bequest was received in 1966 in memory of Joseph Trowsdale , from his Wife and Sisters, Mrs. Wilmot MacDonald and Mrs. Amy Thompson . Memorials given by the U.C.W . included Hymn Books in memory of Mrs. Frank MacDonald and John L. Nicholson . Re¬ vised standards and new English Bibles were presented to the Sunday School in memory of Mrs. Phebe Stewart . A Memorial Book and Guest Book in memory of Joseph Trowsdale by his Wife and daughters. The Church has an active United Church Women 's group of twenty members. Mrs. Gladys Nicholson has been the Secy-Treas. since 1936, when the group was called Women 's Missionary Society. Presidents since 1957 were:— Mrs. Lloyd Waddell , Mrs. George Nicholson , Mrs. Norman MacDonald , Mrs. Tom O'Leary and Mrs. Ronnie Dawson . The first C.G. I.T . group in this Church was organized in 1953 with Mrs. John Simmons as leader. C.G.I.T . has played a big part in the lives of the girls of the Church since that date, with the same leader. There is also an Explorer group for the Charge with Mrs. Brown as leader. A Sigma C in Tryon for boys of the Charge and a Tyro group in Hampton for the Charge. CRAPAUD UNITED CHURCH MANSE:— In 1969 following the amalgamation of the Tryon and Hampton Pastoral Charges, the Tryon and Hampton manses were both sold— Tryon , to Clinton Leard and Hampton, to Roy Carter . A new Manse was built in Crapaud on a lot purchased from Mrs. Gladys Nicholson , and don¬ ated by the Crapaud United Church Women . The Manse Committee at that time was:— John Leard , Chairman, Mrs. John Simmons , Sect- Treas., Mrs. Jack Sorensen , Mrs. Max Thompson , Mrs. John Rogerson Norman Carruthers , Vernon Inman, Clifton Ince, James Morrison , Deryl Beaton and Lewis Gordon . The Manse was built by Ray Wilson , assisted by Ralph Callbeck . Work was begun in Aug., 1969 and completed in March the following spring. The first occupants were the Rev. and Mrs. Angus Brown who moved in the last of March, 1970. A dedication service was held in July, with open house following Service in Crapaud Church. ENGLEWOOD As the people of Crapaud and surrounding districts felt that their young people would stand a better chance of getting a good education, they began considering ways and means of having our own high school. Dif¬ ferent meetings were held to discuss exactly what was wanted, and where the school should be located, and, finally on June 8, 1961, after many meet¬ ings with the Government, permission was granted by the Lieutenant Governor to establish a Regional High School to serve the Crapaud- Tryon area. 10