The first meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Crapaud-Tryon Regional High School area was held on June 12, 1961. Nine out of ten school districts were represented. Following is a list of the trustees who were elected by each participating school district to represent it and whose aim would be to establish a Regional High School in this area.

Appin Road ' Mr. James Gordon

Cape Traverse Mr. Clifford Dawson Crapaud Mr. George Nicholson Hampton Mr. Elmer Inman

Lady Fane Mr. Lewis Francis Tryon Consolidated Mr. Keith Foy

Tryon North Mrs. Adelaide Wood Tryon West Mr. Gerald Best Victoria Mr. Emerson MacDonald Westmoreland Mr. Wrixon Moore

The chairman having prepared a plan for the formation of commit- tees for the necessary organization was asked to submit a committee for:

1. Hiring of teaching staff. (Mrs. Adelaide Wood, Mr. Emerson Mac- Donald, Mr. Gerald Best)

2. Transportation (Messrs. Clifford Dawson, Keith Foy, James Gordon, Lewis Francis)

3. Construction (Mr. Elmer Inman, Mr. Wrixon Moore, Mr. George Nicholson, Mrs. Adelaide Wood)

In all committees, the first named was to act as chairman.

The next item on the agenda was to decide on a location, and, on June 14, 1961 the present site, containing approximately, four and one half acres of land, was purchased and the school was built.

On June 19, the following teachers were engaged: Mr. Desmond Connolly, Principal; Mrs. Mervin MacPhee, Vice-Principal; Mrs. Charles Howatt, Mrs. Bruce MacDougall and Mr. Harry Cook. 98 students were registered for grades 9, 10, and 11.

The matter of a suitable name for the new school was discussed and it was agreed that the Board of Trustees sponsor a contest with the sug- gested names to be in to the secretary, Mr. Brent Wood, by July 8, 1961.

On July 3, 1961, Mr. Keith Pickard presented to the Board sketches and drawings for the new school. The same papers were also presented to the Department of Education for study and approval. Both the Depart- ment of Education and the Board of Trustees approved the plans and it was decided to proceed with the blue-printing immediately.

On July 10, 1961, three names were chosen from the list of differ- ent names submitted Southshore, Englewood and Northumberland and a ballot vote taken with the following result: Englewood (6), South-