Lady Fane, Long Creek, Mount Tryon, Nine Mile Creek, North Tryon,
South Melville, Tryon Consolidated and Tryon West, Victoria and West- moreland.
Districts outside the Unit but sending pupils have been: Bonshaw, Carleton, Cornwall, Cumberland, Elmwood, Green Bay, Fairview, New
Argyle, New Dominion, New Haven, Rice Point, Riverdale and Rocky Point.
The caretakers of the school from its beginning are Mr. and Mrs. Emerson MacDonald who have certainly done a fine job.
The school has a library of approximately two thousand volumes, a typing and general offices room, a Home Ec. lab, a chemistry and phy- sics lab, two mobiles which house the Grade VII’s, 8 other classrooms, a bus drivers’ room, principal’s office, secretary’s office, teachers’ room, wash rooms, furnace room, auditorium and several large storage closets.
The recreational facilities include a large sports complex on which there is a basketball court, a volley ball court and a tennis court; a large playing field where the students play baseball, soccer and football.
In the year of 1967—68, the School Board decided to allow Grade VII’s and Grade VIII’s to attend the High School, and this increased the enrolment considerably. A new classroom was made at that time to ac- commodate the extra pupils.
In 1967, adult vocational classes were conducted with the following courses given: bookkeeping, sewing, typing. In 1968 these classes were continued with more participants. Since then, each winter, beginning in January, Community School classes are held at the High School with many different interesting courses being offered and a keen interest shown.
Extension Courses (Grade XII and University) have been offered almost from the beginning. Up to date, these have consisted of Grade XII geometry, algebra, history, English and University Courses in econ- omics, political science and history.
Courses in Driver Education are given at Englewood and many students take advantage of them.
Various organizations also make good use of the facilities in the school. Some of these are: church groups for banquets, suppers and smorgasbords; Women’s Institute district meetings, the Department of Agriculture for special meetings concerning the area. Also, on July 1968, under the sponsorship of the Englewood School district, the Red Cross or- ganized classes concerned with various safety programs. These classes are held each summer for the benefit of all who wish to participate.
Englewood has been in operation since 1961 and, as of May 1972, there are two classes in Grade VII, two in Grade VIII, two in IX, two in X, two in XI, and the Grade XII graduating class.
Now that we have been absorbed into a larger unit, our future as to our status is uncertain, but our present school board will cease to func- tion on June 30, 1972. We will be represented on the school board of Ad— ministrative Unit, Area 3, by Mr. Hector MacNevin of Canoe Cove.