THE RED ROOSTER RESTAURANT The Red Rooster Restaurant was built by Harvey Bernard in 1953. He operated this establishment for two years, and then sold it to Myron Seaton who carried on for ten years. In June, 1965 the business was sold to Freemen Cudmore, and in August of that year Reg. Sherren bought it. In 1967 Reg. sold it to Blair Buell who operated the business until 1969, when the present own¬ ers, Mrs. and Miss Gallant , took over. Mr. Buell started to build a small Motel at the rear of the Building, and this was finished by the Gallant women and is now in operation. CRAPAUD LIBRARY Through the years Library continued to supply reading material to Crapaud and the surrounding districts with Miss Mary New- som as Librarian and Mrs. Thomas Best as Secretary - Treasurer . The fin¬ ancial needs have been met through personal contributions, donations from the Women 's Institutes, and the Commissioners. Mrs. Norma Cudmore succeeded Mary Newsom as Librarian. She resigned in 1968 and was succeeded by Mrs. Olga Stordy . Mrs. Thomas Best tendered her resignation as Secy-Treasurer, and, at a meeting held on May 8, 1969, Mrs. Florence Myers was appointed to fill the vacancy. Brent Wood was re-elected President, Mrs. Jean Canfield , Vice- President, and the following Directors were appointed:— The Principal of Englewood Regional High School, the Presidents of the W.I . and the School Principals in Crapaud and the surrounding districts, also the Clergy of the various religious denominations. In 1969 a new Chimney was installed, and minor repairs made. W. I. has supplied drapes and outside door, paint and other needed items, and in 1961 the members placed six chairs and a Pla¬ que in memory of the late Dr. N. R. Bouyer , who had taken a great deal of interest in the Library since its inception. NORTHUMBERLAND MEDICAL CENTRE On Oct. 15, 1962 a meeting was held in Crapaud Hall for the pur¬ pose of discussing the possibility of erecting a residence and Office com¬ bined for a Medical Doctor. The majority being favourable to this prop¬ osition, the following officers were appointed:— President — R. N. Daw ¬ son, Secretary — Douglas MacKinnon. Directors:— Jack Leard , Eric Lowther , Norman MacDonald , Barry Dawson , Heber Canfield , George Nicholson , Lloyd Waddell , Kenneth Paynter and Dr. David Stewart . The Directors canvassed Crapaud and the surrounding Districts for shareholders, and they came in contact with enough interested people to enable them to go ahead with their project. Land was purchased from John Simmons , on which a residence and office combined was built, the contractor being Reagh Bagnall . This Building is known as "Northumberland Medical Centre". Dr. David Stewart (1962-1968) was the first Doctor, and he was succeeded by Dr. Robert Lund , (July 1968 — Nov. 1969) 18