At the time of writing the Village is without the service of a resi- dent Doctor, but hopes are entertained for one in the near future.


In 1972 Northumberland Medical Centre was sold to Gene Rogerson Whose wife operates “Maureen’s Beauty Parlor” in what was formerly the Doctor’s Office. Gene also operates a Barber Shop where he caters to his many customers.


The Crapaud-Victoria Board of Trade was organized in 1944, with Brent Wood as the first Board Chairman. The meeting was held in the Crapaud Library which at that time, was on the second floor of Brent Wood’s Store. The reason for organizing was in order that people would have an authorative voice in seeking for improvements for their area.

At a meeting of the Crapaud-Victoria Board of Trade, held March 2, 1970, the name of the Organization was changed to “Crapaud-Victoria Canadian Chamber of Commerce”. Jack Leard is President of the Organ- ization, and Robert Dawson is Secretary. Robert told the meeting that most of the Boards of Trade across Canada have taken this action and that this name is no longer used in the United States or in any other country.

At this meeting women were allowed to become members. Mrs. J. W. Morrison, Hampton and Mrs. Jean Canfield, Crapaud, took out mem- bership.


Mr. Clayton Fraser was appointed Manager of The Bank of Nova Scotia, Crapaud, on Sept, 1954, with James MacKenzie as Teller. In Feb- ruary, 1955 illness overtook the Manager, and Hensley MacDonald became Acting Manager, a position which he held until September, 1955. when Donald Hart succeeded him, and held this position until Feb. 1957, with Robert Wright as Teller.

In May, 1957, The Bank of Nova Scotia, Victoria and The Crapaud Branch amalgamated, Ralph DeGrasse being Manager, Annie Morrison, Chief Clerk, Robert Wright, Teller, and Jerome Matters, Junior Clerk.

In August, 1957, a new Bank was built on the Trans-Canada High- way. In October, 1959 Mr. DeGrasse was transferred to another Branch and was succeeded by Eric Caldwell. (Jan. 4, 1960 April 6. 1964). William Lynch was the next Manager remaining until Oct. 2, 1967, when he was succeeded by Thomas O’Leary. Mr. O’Leary was transferred in June, 1970. and was succeeded by the present Manager, Lawrence Keat- ing. On the staff with Mr. Keating are:— Annie Morrison, Hazel Gra- ham, Florence Francis and Lois Carr.


At the Annual Meeting of The Crapaud Village Commissioners, held in The Curling Club on Feb. 7, 1967 discussion centred around erect- ing a Fire Hall, and the following committee was appointed to select a site :— Ralph Myers, Barry Dawson, Eric Lowther, Jean Canfield and Aletha Simmons.