The 1968-69 season saw a great many fine Bonspeils, including The P.E. Island Royal Canadian Legion Bonspeil. In the 1969-70 season the Prince Edward Island Ladies’ Curling Club Championship was played for, witlh his Honor, Lieut-Governor, J. George MacKay throwing the first roc .

The 1970-71 season saw a large number of Bonspeils, including the Prince Edward Island mixed Bonspeil.

The Community Curling Club was the Centennial Project for the Village of Crapaud in 1967. The grants received from the Village of Crapaud, along with help from the surrounding made the venture turn into a reality of which Crapaud may well be proud.

The following is a list of Presidents of The Community Curling Club :—

1965—Eric Robinson 1966—G0rdon Cutcliffe 1967—Barry Dawson 1968-—John Robinson 1969—Robert Dawson 1970—Lorne Inman 1971——George Stordy

Mrs. Elaine Thomson succeeded Crilly Lea as Secretary. She held this office until 1971, when Mark Robinson took over.


In December 1969 the Rink Co. ordered a Freezing Plant for Arti- ficial Ice. This was installed in 1970. Flush toilets were installed, also a new furnace. The Canteen was renovated, a hot Chocolate Machine, a Hot Dog Heater, a grille, and a soft drink Dispersal Machine were procur-

ed; also a Deep Freeze and Frig ordered.


The following residents in the District have built new homes since 1957 :— Donald Rogerson, Garnet Stewart, Byron Stewart, Norman Lowther, Frank Myers, Barry Dawson, Mrs. Myron Seaton, Mrs. Crilly Lea, Mrs. W. E. Callbeck, Ernest MacKay, Sheldon MacPhail, Gordon Sherren, Charlie Weeks, Douglas MacKinnon, Mrs. Joseph Trowsdale, Carl MacDonald and the United Church Manse.

A Texaco Service Station was also constructed on land bought from John Simmons. At the present time this station is under the manage— ment of Bill Schoenback and Allen Roberts.


In October, 1971 this property was sold to The Sherwood Develop- ment, Ltd., with Harry McLaughlin and Robert Dawson shareholders. The large house was re-sold to The South Shore Reality Co. with Barry Dawson and David McKay share-holders. They proceeded immediately to convert it into an Apartment House. A modern heating system was installed and seven comfortable apartments made, each equipped with a