Se ee ae Te eee Cy | , & iG i a y f iH ! 1 t 4 , iD fi A i , t OLD COINS Mr. Gordon Waddell has a collection of two hundred old coins comprising a number of Prince Edward Island cents dated 1871; a Newfoundland cent, dated 1854; some pennies; besides the follow- ing older ones: An English penny of the reign of King George the Third, dated 1790; one with the inscription "Trade and Navigation" dated 1838; "Pure copper preferable to paper", dated 1838; another one, "one Centisimo", 1822, on the reverse side "Regno Lambardo Veneto"; a Half-penny, "Bank of Upper Canada", 1854; a New Bruns- wick coin, 1854; a Half-penny token, Province of Nova Scotia, dated 1848; a number of old coppers, such as "Speed the Plough", dated 1855; "Fisheries and Agriculture"; "Self-Government and Free Trade", dated 1857; some one Centimes, Napoleon the third, dated 1866; also a number of Half-Pennies, dated 1861; one penny King George the Fifth, dated 1921; a large American cent dated 1848; one coin with a lion on each side of the Crown, and one with a split cod underneath St.. John's, Newfoundland; also a num- ber of coins of different countries; Asiatic, Mes ean: Irish, U. 5. A., and Newfoundland. Among the many antiques in his possession is a Scrap Book con- taining a record of the Boer War from beginning to end. (1899- 1902). In this War, two Charlottetown boys-~-Alfred Riggs and Roland Taylor paid the supreme sacrifice. He has another book, containing the late Neil Matheson's writings, "Across the Island", which appeared in the Charlottetown Guardian starting in July 1960. Mrs. Hector MacNevin has several old coins: a penny dated 1803, King Edward the 8th; an English half-penny, dated 1834; a Canadian half-penny, 1844; a Prince Edward Island cent, 1855; an English coin, ninepence, 1857; a cent 1859, (Queen Victoria); a half-penny 1871; one 1861; one larger coin 20 REIS, Portugal, 1891; three 25-cent notes, 1900; and others including "Speed the Plough", "Fisheries and Agriculture", etc. ANTIQUES In 1967 Crapaud Institute had a display of Antiques in The Curling Club, under the direction of Mrs. Eric Lowther, Mrs. Warren Dawson and Mrs. Mildred Clark. Among the articles on display were: 1. A press for flattening straw to use in making straw hats, also a form for making the hats. 2. An old-fashioned apple-peeler. 14 ARES Toe Pr > a