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Mrs. Elmer MacDonald has a pair of China Vases which are over one hundred years old. They are decorated with deep pink roses which are hand painted. These belonged to her Great-great-grand- father, Samuel Newsom, Jr., who brought them here when the family
emigrated to this country.
'Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dawson have a pair of pink and gold vases which are made of Coral glass." These were presented to Warren's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Dawson on the occasion of their marriage in 1890. At the present time they are 82 years old. Mr. Dawson has been offered $400. for these, but he reguses to sell, as they are an heirloom which will be handed down to future generations.
Mrs. T.H. Best has a quart jar which was given to her mother by a neighbor and was used to hold vinegar. The jar is light grey in color, and the following inscription is :printed in black letters on the front of it:
Mrs. Best has had this jar converted into a lamp. It is approximately 80 or 90 years old.
Mrs. Margaret Callbeck has in her possession a leather shelf which was brought from England by her Great-Grand-parents, Mr. & Mrs. William Lowther in 1819.
It was given to Cornelius Lowther, a member of the first family. He gave it to his nephew, Herbert, who presented it to his daughter, Margaret. It extends down the wall in a cone shape, and is decorated with pears, grapes, etc., all beautifully made of light brown leather. At the present time, it is more than one hundred and fifty years old.
She also has her mother's Autograph Album, bought in March
1883, in which many good wishes are expressed by her friends of long ago.