Mrs. Thomas Best has a Prayer Book which belonged to her great- grandmother, Mrs. John Martin Heartz, who, with her parents and bro- thers and sisters, emigrated to this country from Coote Hill, County Caven, Ireland, in the year 1801. This Book was printed in EFFEX STREET, DUBLIN, IRELAND, in the year 1729. The paper used in printing _ is grey in color. The pages are not numbered, but the first word in 1 the firSt line of each page is printed below the last word of the last ; line on the previous page. The letters are old-English type, the let- ter "3" is printed "f", with the exception of a plural noun, when the
design is-"s". The cover is made of leather.
On one of the pages in this book we find the following words, written in old hand-writing:-- "Thomas Dawson was born in the Kingdom of Ireland on the 12th day of September, 1762; sailed from that country the 4th of March 1801, for the Island of Prince Edward, and ยข arrived there on the 6th of June following.
Frances Dawson, his wife, was born in Ireland the 12th of Sept- ember, 1766.
Thomas Dawson died March the 6th, 1804."
The names of their families and the Henderson Family, with date of birth are also written down.
Thomas Dawson's daughter, Ann Margaret, the owner of this Book was born on March 18, 1789, and died in 1893, at the age of 104 years.
The reigning Sovereign of the British Empire at the time the Book was printed was King George II, who began his reign on Aug. 1, 1727.
Mrs. Fred Fall has a Bible consisting of three volumes. The first one contains the Books of The Old Testament from '7 "Genesis to Esther", the second one from "Job to Malachi"; and the Third one contains all the Books of The New Testa- ment, from St. Matthew to Revelations. '
This Book was given to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dun- can MacKinnon, shortly after they settled in Crapaud in March 1869. The donor was a neighbor of theirs, an old gen- tleman whose name was Thomas Lee. It contains the names of the MacKinnon Family, with dates of birth, etc. and has been in the family for approximately ninety years.