Ministers of this Church from 1953 to the present time (1972) were: Rev. Lloyd Archer, 1953-1957 Rev. Douglas Earle, 1957-1961 Lester MacFarlane (Student), 1961-1962 Rev. W.A. MacQuarrie, D.D., 1962-1963 Rev. Allison O'Brien, 1963-1968 Rev. Angus Brown, 1968-1974

In 1968 the Tryon and Hampton Pastoral Charges were united into one charge. This amalgamation was caused partly by the shortage of ministers, and partly by the number of families. Cape Traverse Church was again attached to the Bedeque Charge. Crapaud Church was forced to be closed for regular worship services, and the congregation to join with Tryon.

The Church is still being used for Sunday School Classes and the occasional special service. At the time of writing, the roof is being re-shingled after being damaged when a severe storm blew off the top of the flue. It is also being repainted inside and out.

In 1956 Memorial Chimes and a Plaque were installed in Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. George Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trowsdale, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Trowsdale, Mrs. Percy Daw- son, Mr. Harry Leard, Mr. Albert Stordy, and Norman Best, by members of their immediate families.

A bequest of two hundred dollars was received in 1957 from the Estate of Ernest Stordy. A thousand dollar bequest was received in 1966 in Memory of Joseph Trowsdale from his wife and sisters: Mrs. Wilmot MacDonald and Mrs. Amy Thompson.

Memorials given by the U.C.W. included hymn books in Mem- ory of Mrs. Frank MacDonald and John L Nicholsond Revised standards and new English Bibles were presented to the Sunday School in Memory of Mrs. Phoebe Stewart. A Memorial Book and Guest Book in Memory of Joseph Trowsdale by his wife and daughters.

The Church has an active United Church Women's group of twenty members. Mrs. Gladys Nicholson has been the Sec'yr Treas. since 1936 when the group was called The Women's Mis-

sionary Society. _Presidents since 1957 were: Mrs. Lloyd . Waddell, Mrs. George Nicholson, Mrs. Norman MacDonald, Mrs. Tom O'Leary, and Mrs. Ronald Dawson.