

Rev. George E.F. Ebsary 1952-1958

Rev. Canon T.E. Loder 1958-1960

Rev. A.W. Garwood Nov. 1963-Sept. 1964 Rev. Michael Ness 1965—1978

Rev. E. Michael Nurse 1978-1981

Rev. E. Brian Hutchins 1981-1985

Rev. William J. Moore 1986-1990

Rev. Frank Likely 1990-

At the Annual Church Meeting held in January 1969, the follow- ing Vestry members were appointed: LeRoy Howatt, Eric Lowther, Wrixon Moore, Earl Fall, James Moore, Edward Sherren, Chester Wilson,r Florence Myers, Amy Howatt, Rhoda Lowther, Marion MacDonald, and Ella Sherren. LeRoy is Vestry Clerk.

The following Wardens were appointed: Frank Myers and John MacQuarrie. This is the first time that women have been appointed Vestry members. They are also eligible to be sent as delegates to the General Synod.

The W.A. of St. John's Anglican Church is now known as St. John's A.C.W. The name Women's Auxiliary has been changed to Anglican Church Women. Mrs. Frances MacKinnon_is President and Marion MacDonald is Sect.-Treas.


Since 1973 various changes and improvements have been made to the Church. In 1978 a large Memorial Window was installed in the' south end of the Church--given to the Glory of God and In Loving Memory Of the Collett family and Harvey Weeks. Other Memorials given were a Processional Cross In Memory Of the late Mrs. Louis (Dorothy) Sherren ; a set of brass collection plates In Memory Of the late Willis Judson; and a set of frontal hangings In Memory Of the late Mrs. Fred (Emily) Sherren.

In 1979, during the time Rev. Michael Nurse was Rector, plans were made at a special meeting of the congregation to raise the Church and put in a new foundation and make a Church Hall for Sunday School and meetings, -- with a kitchen and washrooms. This was com— pleted in 1980 and is a great asset to the Church.

During excavation for the basement, the brick vault containing the remains of the late Mrs. Hilcoat was found and placed in the Church Cemetery. Her tombstone still remains in the centre aisle of

the Church.