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Mr. Larry Keating left in 1974 and was replaced by Bernie Sullivan f 1974—1977; John Crilley - 1977-1982. Present Mana- ger - Mrs. Myrtle McDonnell came in February 1982.

In 1986 the Bank underwent extensive renovations-~additions of storage facilities, Staff room, new Washrooms and Manager's office.

Present Staff: Mrs. Myrtle McDonnell Manager Lucinda Doucette O.I.C. Helen Carri Accounting Clerk Elsie Sherren Accounting Clerk Gayle Gorman Teller Connie Trowsdale Teller Mary Beth Amelia S.P.L. Officer


The Crapaud—Victoria Board of Trade was organized in 1944 with Brent Wood as the first Board Chairman. The meeting was held in the Crapaud Library which at that time, was on the second floor of Brent Wood's Store. The reason for organizing was in order that people would have an authorative voice in seeking for improvements for their area.

At a meeting of the Crapaud-Victoria Board of Trade, held March 2, 1970, the name of the Organization was changed to "Crapaud—Victoria Canadian Chamber of Commerce." Jack Leard is President of the Organization, and Robert Dawson is Secre- tary. Robert told the meeting that most of the Boards of Trade across Canada have taken this action and that this name is no longer used in the United States or in any other country.

At this meeting women were allowed to become members. Mrs. J.W. (Bud) Morrison, Hampton, and Mrs. Jean Canfield, Crapaud, took our membership.
