RURAL MAIL DELIVERIES In 1960 Stewart Sherren succeeded Howard Parker as Mail Courier on R.R. 1. Howard had driven this route from 1947-1960. Victoria R.R . started working out of Crapaud Post Office on Aug. 1, 1970. This route is known as R.R. 2. Mrs. Avis Stordy is Mail Courier. I ROUTE 1 - Stewart Sherren - 1960-1970 Stewart had the Contract—Florence was his faithful assistant. David Sherren - 1970 - 1977 Muriel MacDonald - Finished David's Contract then she was awarded the Contract Jan. 1980. ROUTE II - Avis Stordy Ivan Craig Robert Craig Ida MacQuarrie - Aug. 1/70 - Oct. 31/79 - Nov. 1/79 - June 24/81 - June 25/81 - Dec. 22/86 - Dec. /86 On April 3, 1989 Victoria Mail was delivered to R.P .0. in Victoria THE RED ROOSTER RESTAURANT The Red Rooster Restaurant was built by Harvey Bernard in 1953. He operated this establishment for two years, and then sold it to Myron Seaton who carried on for ten years. In June 1965 the business was sold to Freeman Cudmore , and in August of that year Reg Sherren bought it. In 1967 Reg sold it to Blair Buell who operated the business until 1969, when the new owners, Mrs. and Miss Gallant took over. Mr. Buell started to build a small Motel at the rear of the build¬ ing, and this was finished by the Gallant women and is now in operation. In October 1973, the business was sold to Edgar and Marion Miller, the present owners. A new restaurant was constructed in the fall of 1974 with the official opening held on November 24, 1974. At this time, Mrs. Jean Canfield , M.L.A . for First Queens, cut the ribbon, followed by an open house. 33