WADDELL 'S POULTRY PLANT In September 1952, Waddellfs Poultry Plant opened for busi¬ ness. It operated one or two days a week during the fall and winter months; except during the pre-Christmas period, when larger numbers of chicken, turkeys, geese and ducks were processed, creating full time employment for a staff of four to six people. During the 1970 Ts, the egg quota system was introduced to in¬ crease production to supply demand of the local market for eggs. Individual producers increased their flocks to 4000 - 8000 birds to be processed. At this time, Waddellfs ftegan a canning operation to utilize the surplus birds. As the demand for roasting chicken increased, many small pro¬ ducers began raising larger flocks for the local market as well as for their own freezers. This trend increased the demand for custom processing. Turkeys for the Thanksgiving and Christmas trade were being raised in ever increasing numbers. It became evident that larger and more efficient facilities were necessary to serve the producers. In 1982, Waddells purchased the former Fire Hall and with expansion and renovations, transformed it into a modern, well equipped plant with walk-in cooler and freezers and stanless steel equipment. This plant is capable of processing 1200 - 1500 birds daily at peak periods. There is a staff of 8 - 10 with 3-4 part-time employees dur¬ ing very busy periods throughout the year and in the fall when much larger flocks of turkeys, chicken, ducks and geese are to be proces¬ sed. The canning operation has expanded as well, with approximately 1200 cases of Waddellfs Chicken being produced annually. Canned Beef and Canned Turkey is produced in smaller quantities. These products are available in most stores on P.E.I , as well as directly from the plant. In 1988 William Waddell sold his Plant to Gary Smith who cont¬ inues to operate the business under the name— Waddellfs Poultry Plant. At the present time a new canning plant is being added to the facility to improve this sector of the business. It will be in operation in the fall of 1990. 34