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In December 1969 the Rink Co. ordered a freezing plant for Artificial Ice. This was installed in 1970. Flush toilets were installed, also a new furnace. The Canteen was renovated, a hot chocolate machine, a hot dog heater, a grille, and a solf drink dispensing machine were procured; also a deep freeze and fridge

were ordered.

The Crapaud Rink was renamed the South Shore Community Organization in 1976. Due to the facility having financial problems, a committee taking in all the surrounding areas was formed. New financial backing was found to pay off the out- standing debts, hire a new Manager and make a fresh start.

A number of fund raising projects were carried out and

volunteers cut much of the lumber. Many improvements and renovations were made: a new Sound System and Time Clock were

installed compliments of Seaman's Beverages; new dressing rooms were built and the Canteen was renovated and equipped with a Microwave and steel cupboards for the grilkaand fryer; a new promenade was built on one side and plexiglass put around the ends of the promenade. At present the Arena is prospering.

A hired staff now operate the Canteen. For many years the Canteen was operated by volunteers of the Crapaud W.I. and in more recent years by volunteers from all the areas serviced by

the Arena.

Robert McKinnon, assisted by Gordon Cameron, manage the facility. The Past President is Lyndon Mayhew, and the President

for the 1990-91 season is Lester Craig. Other members on the Board of Directors are: Eugene Sauve, David Cameron, Brian Camp-

bell, Victor Martin, Randy Sellers, Gerard Toole, and Andrew Har- vey. Gladys Lowther is the Secretary-Treasurer.