SOUTH SHORE COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION (ARENA) iiimmiMMmMM WMmmMmmm In December 1969 the Rink Co. ordered a freezing plant for Artificial Ice. This was installed in 1970. Flush toilets were installed, also a new furnace. The Canteen was renovated, a hot chocolate machine, a hot dog heater, a grille, and a solf drink dispensing machine were procured; also a deep freeze and fridge were ordered. The Crapaud Rink was renamed the South Shore Community Organization in 1976. Due to the facility having financial problems, a committee taking in all the surrounding areas was formed. New financial backing was found to pay off the out¬ standing debts, hire a new Manager and make a fresh start. A number of fund raising projects were carried out and volunteers cut much of the lumber. Many improvements and renovations were made: a new Sound System and Time Clock were installed compliments of Seaman's Beverages; new dressing rooms were built and the Canteen was renovated and equipped with a Microwave and steel cupboards for the grills and fryer; a new promenade was built on one side and plexiglass put around the ends of the promenade. At present the Arena is prospering. A hired staff now operate the Canteen. For many years the Canteen was operated by volunteers of the Crapaud W.I . and in more recent years by volunteers from all the areas serviced by the Arena. Robert McKinnon , assisted by Gordon Cameron , manage the facility. The Past President is Lyndon Mayhew, and the President for the 1990-91 season is Lester Craig . Other members on the Board of Directors are: Eugene Sauve , David Cameron , Brian Camp ¬ bell, Victor Martin , Randy Sellers, Gerard Toole , and Andrew Har ¬ vey. Gladys Lowther is the Secretary - Treasurer . 38