CRAPAUD FIRE HALL At the Annual Meeting of The Com¬ missioners, held in The Curling Club on Feb. 7, 1967, discussion centered around erecting a Fire Hall and the following committee was appointed to select a site: Ralph Myers , Barry Dawson , Eric Lowther , Jean Canfield , and Aletha Simmons . On Feb. 27, another meeting was held and the fol¬ lowing sites were suggested: - a building belonging to the Irving Oil Co., and a warehouse owned by Brent Wood . After some discussion it was decided to interview con¬ tractors re the cost of a new building, and also the cost of repairing the old Hall. On April 10, a letter was received from Mr. Fred Large, stating that the old Hall could be bought for $700. This offer was accepted—the purchase was made and the old building demolished. After calling for tenders on the cost of a new building, three estimates were received—one from M.F. Schurman Co., Summerside ; one from Albert Sharpe , Ellerslie ,; and one from Mr. MacArthur , Fredericton, N.B. Decision was made to look further into Schurman's plan and negotiate for a suitable price. After the de¬ cision to build a new Hall was made, the committee de¬ cided to negotiate with Mr. Sharpe who quoted a price of $10,000. for building the Hall. Later he sent a letter stating that he was unable to do the work at present, and they decided to interview Mr. Boyles , from Schurmans for a brick building. He agreed and said that the work could be commenced in two week's time. On Sept. 26, a meeting was held with Mr. Boyles present, when details concerning doors, windows and other items were discussed. Early in the Fall of 1967 the Hall was built and finished at a cost of $14,264. CRAPAUD FIRE DEPARTMENT The members of the Crapaud Fire Department and the Village Commission met in the spring of 1980 with the idea of expanding the local Fire Dept., as the present building was no longer large enough for the Dept.fs needs. At that time the Texaco Service Station located on the Trans was vacant and available for sale. A committee of Firemen and Village Commissioners looked into the feasability of this building for a Fire Hall. Texaco was approached and the purchase was made in the summer of 1980. 41