In November 1980 an extension was started on the building. The project was done under a Winter Works- Program during the period from November '80 until June '81 when the building was completed which con- sisted of four bays, an upstairs meeting room, Fire- y men's Room and Village Office. The Official Opening
took place in July '81.
The Dept. then expanded its truck fleet to 3 tankers with equipment and 20 fire fighters.
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1' Since 1981 the Dept. kept improving. In '87 a
new tanker truck was purchased and in '88 an Emergency Response Vehicle was purchased with the assistance of , *1 a Federal and Provincial Grant, and a Fund Raising
%‘ Drive headed up by the Firemen with the assistance
1 A, of the 20 districts covered by the Dept.
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1 In October'88 the goal for funds had been reached. “ 1 The Dept. now consists of 3 tankers, an Emergency Res- ; ;’ ponse Vehicle and 30 Firemen. The list of equipment is g T as follows: i y 1975 Ford tanker - fully equipped E f 1987 Ford tanker — fully equipped § §; 1964 Ford tanker - fully equipped. 1 g 1988 Emergency Response Vehicle - fully equipped : §' for car accidents, etc. with the Jaws of Life and other , ; extraction equipment. 3' S The Dept. is made up of men from the various sur- 5 J rounding communities. They are now in the process of E 5 purchasing pagers for the Firemen which will replace g f the Fire Phones which are presently used for fire calls.. % { Present Officers and Executive are: E FIRE CHIEF — Ron Myers , 1 i DEPUTY CHIEF — John Nicholson ’ . E ’ CAPTAIN “ Clarey Pineau E f CAPTAIN — Lyndon Mayhew E % TREASURER — Robert Nicholson 3 g 7 SECRETARY — WALTER WILSON
TRAINING OFFICERS: Allister Mabey, Leon Ferguson
FORMER FIRE CHIEFS: Robert Dawson, Ralph Myers, Jack Myers, Allison MacLeod
Erwin MacDonald, Arnold Moore Allister Mabey ‘