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In November 1964, the Crapaud Women's Institute purchased land
from LeRoy Howatt and gave it to the Village Commissioners for the purpose of erecting a home for Senior Citizens. The first block of
four double units was built in 1965 and soon occupied. (A‘l)
In 1966 another block consisting of two double units and four single ones was built. Occnipanixs thifll werwe: Mrs. Walter.Trows- dale, Mr. and Mrs. George Villett, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Waddell, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Hector MacNevin, Mr. William Pye, Mr. Goodwill MacPhail, Mrs.
Georgie MacNevin and Mrs. Mark MacVittie. (3‘2)
In 1982 another block was added.to the Senior Citizen's Home~~ C3, consisting of five double units, also a large Common Room.
The building was officially opened October 3, 1983 -* the cut~
ting of the ribbon was done by one of our late members, Mrs. Margaret
Present occupants are: Anna Chace, Edmond and Janie Crossman, Harold Harvey, Wilbur Waddell, and Avis Stordy; (C3)
(B—Z) Occupants: Hammond Newson, Melville Higgins, Stan Parker,
Tony Richardson, and Aart Van Ewyk.
(A-l) Oliver MacLeod, Leah Harvey, Vera MacDonald, Perreeza Waddell.