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While in England they visited Shakespeare's birthplace, the famous English Courts, Sir Winston Churchill's birthplace and burial plot, also a cricket match. What impressed them most was

the Roman Baths which had been used by Kings and common people alike in the days when the Romans ruled this part of the world.

Other points of interest included Buckingham Palace, Pica- dilly Circus, St. Paul's Cathedral, Trafalgar Square and The Tower of London. The twenty students returned to Canada on July let.

On August 25, 1971 Adele was again honored by being chosen one of the Princesses at the Crapaud Exhibition. She was sponsored by the Crapaud Women's Institute. Kay Dixon, North Tryon, was chosen Queen and Lynn Currie, COrnwall, was the other Princess.

In October 1969, Harley Harvey, Crapaud, and Suzanne MacLeod, Bonshaw, students of Englewood Regional High School, were chosen by The Intermediate Allied Youth Conference to attend a convention in Buckhill Falls, Penn., U.S.A. On the way there they toured New York City where they were shown the Empire State Building and other Inter-

esting places.

Rhonda Jean Waddell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Waddell, is an honour student at Englewood Regional High School. In 1971, Rhonda Waddell and Kevin Murphy were awarded the J.S.T. Morris Plaque for debating; Junior Discussion.

In November 1971, Rhonda was chosen a delegate to attend an International Allied Youth Conference at Buck Hill Falls, Penn., U.S.A. The delegates travelled by bus and enroute stopped over at New York City where they toured many points of interest inclu-

ding the Empire State Building.

Canda Lynn Waddell, daughter of Mrs. D.L. Waddell and the late D.L. Waddell was an outstanding student in Crapaud Elementary School and in Englewood Regional High School. Canda graduated from Engle- wood in 1971 and was fourth in the class. She was awarded the High School Prize for History, also a Canadian Legion Scholarship for leading the Grade 12 Class in History. She was chosen to be one of the Life Officers, Secretary of the Class of '71. Canda is at present taking a Medical Secretarial Course at Mount Saint Vincent,


Marylea Helen MacDonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman MacDonald, received her early education in Crapaud Elementary School. She received a Women's Institute Scholarship when entering Englewood Regional High School. Marylea graduated from Englewood in 1971, and was awarded the Governor General's Medal for leading the class and the prize for Science. The Stanley Hardy Memorial Trophy was presen- ted to Marylea, the graduating student who best combined scholastic,

athletic, and leadership ability.