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The early 1970's saw the closing of the one and two room rural schools in our area. By 1973 all satellite schools of '

Englewood were closed with the exception of Crapaud Village School and Bonshaw. As the schools closed, the children were

bused to Englewood, increasing the enrollment considerably.

At this time Englewood lost its meagre gym facilities as the space was converted into three necessary classrooms. The room upstairs at the local rink became the only indoor recrea-

tional facility for Englewood.

In September 1978, Englewood bid farewell to Grades 10, ll, & 12, who became part of the student body at the beautiful

new Bluefield High School in Hampshire.

Crapaud Village School now closed and all students were bused to Englewood. Bonshaw became a 2-room satellite school until the mid 1980's housing students from Bonshaw, Appin Road,

and Argyle Shore in Grades 1-6.

After losing our Gym in 1973, extensive lobbying began for expansion of facilities at Englewood. On April 16, 1982, the new facilities were officially opened. This expansion in- cluded a new gymnasium with a large stage, showers, and wash- rooms, bus drivers' room, music room, canteen and Principal

and Secretary's Offices.

This addition has made Englewood a beautiful modern school. Mobile units are still used for Band, Industrial Arts,

Computer and Resource classrooms.

Our new Gym serves the community in many ways. Concerts, meetings, Annual Science Fair, Craft Fair, Community School

and Conventions bring many people to this Community centre.

Englewood has been recognized for its high standard of

education. This is evident in the success the Englewood gradu- ates have at Bluefield and the worthwhile contribution they are

making to society.

The Principals since 1973 include: Ernest Stavert, George Doughart, Harry Kielly, Rufus Reid, Ron Gallant, Jean Howatt, Lloyd Mallard and Melvin Ostridge.

