

Englewood Band begin instruction as early as Grade 3.

This experiment proved extremely successful. It was soon clear that young students could handle these instruments and learned very quickly.

The Englewood Band became well known as it travelled over the Maritimes competing with High Schools and Junior High Schools from P.E.I., N.S., and N.B. "They brought home many honors. In April 1988, they travelled to Hali— fax to take part in Maritime Music~Fest. Although the youngest and smallest band there, they were awarded the "best" Gold, and were invited to represent the Maritime Provinces at Canada Music-Fest in Calgary.

Due to the generous support of individuals, organiz- ations, churches and businesses, sufficient funds were raised for this trip.

On May 17, 1988, 29 band members from Grades 3 - 9, and 10 chaperones flew to Calgary for an experience of a lifetime. For many it was their first flight. For all of them, it was their first trip to the West. '

They received a "Bronze" rating for their perform-

ance of a song written especially for them by Mr. Rutten called "Pictures of P.E.I."

They visited Banff, the Saddledome, the Olympic Sites“

and the Calgary Zoo.

They attended several music workshops and listened to the best bands in Canada.

Englewood Band continues to enrich the School and Community with its fine performances.


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