The Villa will also house a SZ-seat dining room, a hair salon,
recreation room, television room, conference room, quiet room, laun- dry room and kitchen.
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¢ It also features a new concept in heating with1fluaheat radiat-
ing from the floor, making it the first geriatric care facility with this type of heating on P.E.I.
Glenys Oxford has been hired as the Villa's first adminis- trator, and when the facility reaches full capacity, Dawson said as many as 40 people will be employed here.
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"Applications are coming in quite heavily now," he said. "As
the building fills, more people will be hired but from day one, fully experienced personnel will be on staff."
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Don MacKinnon of Charlottetown is the architect for the Villa,
and McNeil Associates Inc. of Charlottetown is constructing the build— 4. ing. '
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