THE P.E.I , TRACTOR PULL CHAMPIONSHIPS CRAPAUD The first Tractor Pull Championships were held on the Crapaud Exhibition Grounds in 1981. Tractor pulls had been popular in the .S. for a number of years but were only just begin¬ ning to be a crowd-pleasing attraction at some Maritime sites. Determined to get in on the ground floor, Exhibition President, Elmer MacDonald , and other directors put their heads to¬ gether and decided to host the first-ever modern day tractor pull on P.E.I. A number of things had to be put in place to hold this event and some people with qualified interests were approached to go on as new Exhibition directors. These new directors added a new dim¬ ension to our organization and have played a major role in the suc¬ cess of the Crapaud Tractor Pull over the last ten years. After we built a track, put in a set of scales, and up-graded our sound system, all we needed was a tractor pull drag and for the first few years, we were fortunate to get the use of the drag be¬ longing to the Woodstock , Tractor Pull Association. They also sent a man for our inaugural year and were very helpful in many other ways in the staging of our first pull. A number of competitors also came over from the mainland that year and, with their superior equipment and experience, they went home with the majority of the trophies and prize money. Over the next few years, this situation quickly changed as the Island tractor pullers gained confidence and expertise in this new sport. So successful did the P.E.I. Tractor Pull become that after a few years, the directors decided to have our own drag built. A machine shop in Charlottetown took a contract to build this piece of equipment and it was designed to be the most modern and up-to- date of its kind in the Maritimes. A loan was taken out at the local Bank to finance this venture and it was with great fanfare that our own Tractor Pull drag was first used in the 1984 Tractor Pull Championships. When our first Tractor Pull was being organized, it was felt that a major Sponsor was needed to help share in the initial costs of setting up an event of this magnitude. After a number of at¬ tempts, a certain major Oil Company was.contacted and they agreed to help us out. This arrangement was kept in place for a few years but, due to lack of a long-term committment from this Company, the partnership was dissolved. 59