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Since that time local businesses, companies, and individuals have picked up the sponsorship of the P.E.I. Tractor Pull and their support has been
greatly appreciated.
Every summer on the first weekend in August, you can find many peo- ple visiting Crapaud to take in a thoroughly entertaining show. Besides tractors competing, there are Modified pick-ups, Modified 4-Wheel drives, Pro-Stockers, and, of course, the real crowd-pleasers, the modified trac-
tors 0
There are many local competitors who have invested a great deal of time and money to take their machines to the top in their various clas- ses. These local tractor pullers are competing around the Maritimes and are providing more publicity for the P.E.I. Tractor Pull with their ef-
There is also lots of action on the tractor pull track during the
Crapaud Exhibition when the lawn tractors have a go at it using a scaled- down tractor pull drag built and generously provided for our use by Randy Myers of Crapaud. Stock 4-Wheel drive trucks also pull on Exhibition Day
using the big drag.
The directors of the Crapaud Exhibition are justifiably proud of the P.E.I. Tractor Pull Championships. This event has not only been a life- saver for our organization, but it has been, as well, a model for what a small community can do. We look forward to hosting this event for many years to come and can only hope that, with the area's continued support and direction, it will become even more successful.