I& #.. LONG RIVER WOMEN 'S INSTITUTE Standing- L . to R.: Mrs. Edwin Bernard , Mrs. Fred Doughart , Mrs. George MacLeod , Mrs. Wendell Thompson , Mrs. Bud Thompson, Mrs. Gerald Johnstone , Mrs. Andrew Johnstone , Mrs. Clair Mac ¬ Leod. Seated: Mrs. James Bernard and Alvin Bern ¬ ard. Front: Mrs. Keih Mac - Kay , Mae Found and Mrs. Ernest Dunning . The Institute was re-organized in 1931 with Mrs. Ernest Dunning President, and ( Carrie Woodside ) Mrs. Francis Murray Secretary - Treasurer . Immediately we started working for school improvement also giving prizes and treats at school closings. Entertainment ran high, concerts, plays and box socials during Winter months added to the funds. During the intervening years we have furnished the hall kitchen, secured a piano for the school, supplied cod liver oil capsuels, had first aid courses, sponsored the swimming classes and erected a flag pole and flag. We have taken advantage of the Institutes Handicraft Van and have always assisted in charitable collections. During World War II we set to with a will again sewing, knitting and packing boxes, making quilts, etc., for the . We adopted a war orphan and helped in all work. In 1963 we entered Long River School District in the Rural Beautification Competition and were the recipients of a $200.00 award. The following are the officers for 1967: President, Mrs. Fred Doughart ; Secretary . Mrs. George MacLeod and Treasurer Mrs. Andrew C . Johnstone. The following excerpts from poetry composed and read by Mrs. Elmer MacLeod at the Banquet for the prize winners at the Charlotte- town Hotel in 1963. 46