HOCKEY By Charles Waugh Since the early 1930's New Annan has been one of the leading communities in which participated in organized sport, especially hockey. In 1931 the first organized hockey team was named "The New Annan Stars", with their colors black and white. The late John C. Pill- man acted as coach and manager for the group and at this time played in the League in Bedeque Rink The following years most all their hockey was played in the North Shore League in Kensington Rink where they battled for and won sevĀ¬ eral trophies donated by such men at the late Hon. Cleveland Baker ; Mr. Isaac Walker to the present trophy donated by " Farms". The early teams comprised of players such as the MacKays, Nelson, Edwin, David, George and Balfour; James Tuplin (Sr.), James Tuplin (Jr.), Don and Eldon Schurman, Weston Campbell , John Driscoll , the Crozier boys, Floyd Caseley , Jack Marchbank with the aid of Bert Poole and Arthur Wright were instrumental in keeping the teams organized over the years. As the years passed others joined such as the Mills boys: Jabez, George, Elgin, James, Gerald, Willis and Clayton. When the 1940's came many of the boys went to fight for King and Country. Following the war in 1946 the name of the team was changed from "Stars to Beavers", when George Moase reorganized the team with David and Edwin Walker, Edwin and Lawrence Wall, the second generation of MacKays. Reginald, Ellery , Bruce, Eldon, Edgar and Francis; David Schurman , Charles Mallett , Gallant boys, Marchbanks and others. In recent years we have the Seabrook 's Team which is representing New Annan with such players as Walkers, Schurmans, Errol Waugh, James MacKay and others. In 1971 under the Minor Hockey Program, New Annan is well respresented by our youth, which will no doubt carry the New Annan name in the hockey battles of the future with such names as Schurmans, Walkers, Marchbanks, Waughs and MacDonalds . A MOTORISTS' PRAYER Grant me a steady hand and watchful eye, That no man be hurt as I pass by. Thou gavest life, and I pray no act of mine May take away or mar that gift of thine. Shelter those, dear Lord, who bear me company From the evils of fire and all calamity. Teach me to use my car for others need Nor miss through love of speed The beauties of Thy world; that thus I may With joy and courtesy go on my way. 46