SOCCER By Charles Waugh In the early 1930's New Annan participated in the game of Soccer and had a team of no ill repute under the capable guidance of Herbert Poo ¬ le who brought much of his knowledge from the Old Country. This team was in a league made up of a representation from Mar¬ gate and two teams from Summerside . Trophies and shield were donated by the late Heath Strong , late Hugh Morrison and the late Hon. A. E. MacLean . New Annan won all three and was just edged out by a small margin for the Island championships. This team was made up of the following members as pictured: Front row, L to R: H. Gunning , E. MacKay , B. Poole , G. MacKay , R. Mac - Donald ; Second row, L to R: N. MacKay , A. Stafford , D. Schurman ; Stand¬ ing, late C. Marchbank , late G. Smith , J. Marchbank . New Annan also was involved in the old sport of "Tug-of War", in the 1930's made up of players of local boys and showed well against such teams as Bedeque , Freetown , etc. Softball was also played for a number of years and New Annan had various teams which played against teams of other communities. HISTORY OF SETTLERS The Mclntyres Let us go back to the days of that great colonizer, Lord Selkirk when, in 1772, he brought out from Uist in the Hebrides, a family by the name of Mclntyres to St. John's Island ( Prince Edward Island ). The landing place was Scotchfort ; after a short time they moved to what is now known as Five Houses . A little later they moved by blazed trail across country to the Barbara Weit River ; that part of which is now known as New Annan . Here, the great hemlocks were cut and made into twelve inch square timbers, and a large durable log house was built. Those rafters were ideal pioneers; they were here to stay, their works were not of the mushroom order. Angus remained on this property; he married and had the follow¬ ing family: Hughie, Catherine, Christina and Alexander. Hughie married a Miss MacDonald and they moved to the lower road to the home later owned by Arthur Enman ; the house was moved and is now owned and occupied by Peter MacDonald . They had the following family: Joseph, Angus, Peter and Mary Ellen. Joseph married three times. From the first union there were two children: Mamie and Peter. Mamie married James MacDonald from Glen- finnan, they moved to Borden to live, he worked on the boat. Peter died when young. A O 48