Cemetery is his work. D. F. Borthwick who died in 1936 was a son; another son, James, had one daughter who is living in Massachusetts . Joanne married Thomas Millman of Burlington ; Dr. Thomas Mill- man of Toronto and James Everett Millman are grandsons. Mrs. Ben MacLeod of Kensington is a granddaughter. Mrs. Walter Moase and Mrs. Elmer Moase are great-granddaughters. Margaret married William Profitt of Burlington . There are quite a number of relatives on the Island, including James Tuplin . James, the brother of John, outlived his brother and helped to care for his nieces and nephews. JAMIESONS William Jamieson was born in Annan in the county of Dumfries, Scotland , about 1800, and he emigrated to Prince Edward Island in the year 1820. He was married to Anne Walker also from Scotland . Mr. Jam ¬ ieson (Squire) gets the credit of naming New Annan after his own home town. He built the mills in New Annan and also did some farming. They had the following family: William, Robert, David, Ellen, Mercer, Margaret, Anne, Harriet and Sophia. William married Anne Walker of New Annan and they had the fol¬ lowing family: Robert Walker , Ewen Hunter , Bessy Anne and Lucy Millicent . Robert married Louise Waite of Traveller's Rest, and they had one son, Robert, who died when young. Ewen was drowned in the mill pond when a child. Bessy Anne mar¬ ried a Mr. Pinkham of Massachusetts . Robert married Susan Thomas and they had five children: Frank, Henry, Alexander, Bruce and Annie. Frank married a Miss Harris ; they lived in Boston and had two daughters. Henry married Sophia Lyle of St. Eleanors ; they had no family. Alexander married Miss MacDonald , later came to live in Sum) merside; they had two sons. Bruce was a dentist; he lived in Massa¬ chusetts. Annie married a Mr. Wells and lived in Boston. David was married and had six children; lived across the road from where Wendell Moase now lives. Ellen married James Dalzell , they lived in New Annan and had three children, William, George and Mary. William married Mrs. Robert Jamieson and lived on the home¬ stead. Please refer to Dalzell history. George married May Conway of North Dakota ; they live in North Dakota and have two sons. Mary died when young. MERCER married William Gordon of Boston; they have two chil¬ dren. Margaret married Stephen MacLellan of Boston, and they had five children. 51