June R.N., received her training in Prince County Hospital, Sum- merside. She married Andrew Randell of California, and they have two daughters.
Ruth married Wallace Thompson of Conway; they are living in Kensington and have five boys; they also lost a little girl.
Eleanor married George Bourdeau of Saskatchewan, and they have four children.
Louise married Len Morgan; they live in Toronto and have three children.
Reginald married Sydney Leary of British Columbia; they have three children.
Rev. Gardiner married Heather Scott of Montreal, they have three children. Gardiner is now minister of the Presbyterian Church in Cha-
tham, Ontario.
Doris married Elmer Paynter of Springbrook, they had nine chil- dren; Gordon was killed in a tractor accident less than a year ago. A daughter, Noelle, died suddenly with Leukemia.
David never married, he lives in Toronto.
George married Lorraine Wensley of British Columbia; they live in Nelson and have a family of two.
Janet lives in Toronto and never married.
After retiring Mr. Dalzell sold his farm to David Walker of Tra- veller’s Rest.
Charles Bryanton bought the house; he and his wife (nee Janet Mann) and family: Kevin, Stephen, Kenneth, Cathy and Lisa now reside
here. Charles works at Seabrooks.
George married May Conway, they live in North Dakota and have two sons.
Mary died when young.
Louise married Arthur Cerda of Boston, they had two children; she later married Ralph Cromwell and they had one son.
Belle married Hopgood Rayner of Sherbrooke; they had three children.
Olive and Jarvis never married, they live on the homestead in New Annan.
Gerald married Dorothy Walsh of Camden, Maine; they have two children.
The first Schurman to come to the Island was William Schurman born in 1746. He came to Prince Edward Island in May, 1784 with Thomas Hooper and two other delegates acting on behalf of the Loyalists who, temporarily, settled in Shelburne and formerly came from New York, New Jersey and other American colonies.