Sometime the flowers will bloom as fair That other hands have trained with care Sometime, when death has set its seal Upon the lips that cannot feel

The pressure of that last fond kiss,

Tho’ we feel not we would not miss. Sometime ;—ah, soon that time will come, When we shall all be gathered home

To shores celestial. Sure ’tis best

From worldly cares to be at rest.

They had the following family: Emma, Ray, Leonard, Thomas, Harry and Flossie.

Emma married Henry Moase of New Annan; they lived on the property formerly owned by Thomas Burrows, and they had two sons: Louis and Sterling.

Lewis married Edith Johnson of Margate; they live on the home place and have no children. They recently sold their farm‘to Charles

Waugh. . , 1 9: Sterling lives at home; he never married.

Ray, the oldest boy, married Ella Montgomery of Traveller’s Rest; they farmed in New Annan for a while and then went to Saskatchewan

to live.

Leonard married Mamie Horton of Summerside, where they lived for a number of years; they later moved to Saskatchewan.

Thomas married Leona Montgomery of Traveller’s Rest, and they lived in New Annan. They had the following family: Alfred, Donald

and Eldon.

Alfred married Thelma Clark of Kensington, and they moved to Traveller’s Rest; they had the following family: David, Jack and Walter.

David married Elizabeth Woodington of Spring Valley, and they live on the farm formerly occupied by Archibald McDonald, New Annan. They have the following children: Carol, Wayne, Kevin, Allan and Marvin.

Jack married Iva MacKay of Darnley; they live in Traveller’s Rest and have five children.

Walter married Frances Couglin of Coleman, and they have two children: Colleen and Priscilla. Walter is a plumber; they live along the

Condon Road, New Annan.

DONALD married Martha Dawson of North Tryon, and they live in New Annan. They have three girls: Myra, Judy and Faye.

Myra married William MacLean of Kensington and went to live in Wilmot Valley. They have two children.

Judy and Faye are at home. Judy is a hairdresser.

ELDON married Audrey Tuplin of New Annan; they lived in New Annan for a while and then moved to a farm in Spring Valley. They have six children.