In 1965, Olive, a grade 10 student of Kensington Regional High School was declared winner in the bakeoff held at Eatons of Canada store. She later represented Prince Edward Island in the National Champion- ships on May 8th in Toronto. Olive graduated from Kensington Regional High School in 1967 when she received the M. F. Schurman scholarship to Acadia University and the P. E. Island Women’s Institute home econ- omics scholarship.

Olive was awarded a university bronze medal and the Millard Mem- orial prize for highest standing in home economics. She has been accepted for graduate study at Cornell University, Ithica, New York, where she has received an assistantship to continue her studies in the field of human nutrition and food.

HENRY married Emma Schurman of Wilmot; they lived on the property formerly owned by Thomas Burrows and they had the following family: Lewis and Sterling.

Lewis married Edith Johnson of Margate; they have no children and live on the home place. They recently sold their farm to Charles Waugh and reserved the house.

Sterling lives at home, never married.

BURROWS married Lauretta Paynter of Burlington, they had no family. He died 1941.

ELIZABETH married John Mann of Irishtown, they had one son. She died March 3, 1894.

Elijah died when very young.

Mary Anne married Samuel Caseley of Kensington, they had nine children. She died November 16, 1919.

William Henry married Robina Cairns of Freetown, who was at that time a teacher in New Annan School; they remained on the home- stead.

He was a blacksmith and also did considerable veterinary work. More land was secured across the road from Curtis and Picketts. He died December 14, 1938. They had the following family: Harry Stewart, W. Leigh, Robert Elton, William Albert and Elizabeth Louise.

Harry married Mary Burrows of Wilmot Valley and moved to Free- town; they later lived in New Annan for a while before moving to Ken- sington, he died February 1945. They had the following children: Ruth Louise, Wallace Heber and Eleanor Jean.

Ruth married Leigh Paynter of Burlington and they have three children.

Wallace married Grace Lewis of Cascumpeque; they reside in Summerside and have two children.

Jean married Lloyd Sharpe of Norboro; they have four children. W. Leigh died when young.

Robert Elton married Hazel Bowness of Kensington and lives on adjoining home farm. Although reserved in his manner, Robert has been a very intelligent farmer always willing to give advice.