Some years ago he was elected to the Robertson Associate Member— ship of the Canadian Seed Growers Association. He is well known as one of the most knowledgeable of beekeepers. Robert is still very active and carries on with his fifty colonies of bees. He is a great lover of fruit trees as well as gardening and enjoys showing people through his well kept orchard and. apiary.
They havetwo daughters: Phyllls Robina and Gladys Hazel.
Phyllis married George Taylor of Traveller’s Rest, they have seven children.
Gladys married Keith Thompson of Margate; they live across the road from her father’s home in New Annan. They have a family of three. Errol Keith, Garth Maynard and Marilyn Joan.
Errol married Louise Simmons of Wilmot Valley and they reside on the farm where Robert Williams used to live.
Garth and Marilyn live at home.
WILLIAM ALBERT married Louise Cairns of Summerside East, he lived his entire life on the Moase homestead in New Annan. He died February, 1969.
In his younger days, he not only farmed but was a skilled black smith and did considerable veterinary work. He was a distinguished stock breeder in cattle, sheep and swine.
In July 1960 he was elected to the Robertson Associate Member- ship in the Canadian Seed Growers Association. In partnership with his son Wendell on different occasions they received plaques for individual cows, which led all Canada in milk and fat production.
In 1963 they received Superior Breeders’ Award which is based on the success in breeding outstanding animals, based on items that in- clude production and type. In 1963 they also received a silver tray for herd average winner in all Canada 6-15 herd.
In 1967 their Blackaddar Amethyst 2 established an all time record for Canadian senior three year old Ayrshires. Her bull calf of Feb. 1969, Cloverview Commander 2nd, is now in the Artificial Unit, Fredericton, New Brunswick.
On four different occasions they won the pewter mugs for high est scoring in advanced registry for sows and boars in all Canada.
The Harold Clay Memorial Trophy hung on the wall for five years, this trophy going to the farm producing the highest scoring sow in ad- vanced registry tests during the previous year. They also carried off many prizes with their Shropshire sheep.
In 1964 Mr. & Mrs. W. A. Moase and Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Moase and family appeared on C B. C. Television “Country Calendar”, being in— terviewed by Mr. Peter Hamilton of the CBC Halifax with their cattle, sheep, pigs and mangel seed. He took great interest in the church al- though for many years he was unable to attend in person.
They had the following family: William, Stutly, Pauline and Wen— dell.