send of New Annan and took over this property. He died at 78 years old. They had the following family: Louisa Beer, Harriet Florence, Elisa Alice, Millicent May and Arthur Edward.

Louisa married Harry W. Stewart; they lived where Mrs. Clarence Marchbank now lives until her death. He then went to live with the Wrights.

Harriet married Harry Brown of Margate; they had no family.

Alice (Bea) never married, she is still living at Summerset Manor, Summerside.

Millicent never married.

Arthur married Irene Bertha Rayner of Traveller’s Rest and lived on the home place. They had the following family: Edward Claire, Har- old Arthur, Wayne Alfred, Allen Elisha and Roy Frederick.

Edward married Nancy Ann Archer, they are now living in the west and have two children.

Harold was killed in a car accident at Coburg, Ontario.

Wayne married Royleen Wright, they are living in Hamilton, Ont. and have two children. ,

Allen (Pat) married Sandra Marie Tuplin of Kensington; they are now living in Hamilton, Ontario and have one child. .

Roy married Margaret Cowan Nicholson; they are living in Hamil- ton, Ontario.

There are no Wrights living in New Annan now as the home place was sold to Seeman Brothers of New York, U.S.A. by Arthur Wright in March 1961.


David Walker who was born in 1762 and married Margaret Heth- erington in 1783; emigrated from Annan, Scotland with a large family and settled in what was then thought to be New Annan, now Traveller’s Rest. Their son Robert married Betsy Cairns of Summerside East and went to live where John Marchbank now lives.

He operated an inn where travellers were provided with accommo- dations for their horses as well as themselves.

They had the following family: George, Thomas and Anne.

George married Addie Clark of Cape Traverse; they had two chil- dren: Arthur and Marjorie.

Arthur married Ella Townsend. They lived in Moncton and had three boys; Arthur died suddenly a few years ago.

Marjorie married a Mr. Lambe of Vancouver, they have two chil- dren.

THOMAS went out west.

Anne married William Jamieson of New Annan and they had four of a family.

Please refer to Jamieson history 70