Alexander MacKinnon lived where David Schurman now lives, he married Bridget Gillis .of Norboro. They had the following family:

Sarah, Ellen, Mary Elizabeth, Annie, John J. and Joseph. Sarah married Mr. Patterson and lived in the United States. Ellen married William Gillis of Cape Breton. Mary Elizabeth married Laughlin Gillis and lived in United States.

Annie never married, she was a school teacher, taught in New Annan for a while.

John J. MacKinnon married Annie McInnis of Bedeque; they lived where Delbert Rayner now lives and had one daughter Bertha, who lives

in New Annan.

The late John J. MacKinnon (Jockey Jack) was born and lived all his life in New Annan. Gaelic was his mother’s tongue and English was not spoken in his home. When he went to school he learned English and

learned it well.

He was a great lover of good horses; he acquired a beautiful road- ster and decked him in fancy harness including a martingale to hold his head up. About 1910 Jockey Jack built a race track and started having

some matinee races in New Annan. Please turn back to account of New Annan Race Track.

Joseph married Mary Strong and they had one son Basil who died at home.

J. J. MacKinnon