Arms — Argent on a chief gules, a cushion between two open rowels of the field. Crest — On a wreath, a lion's gamb erect and erased, grasping a tilting lance in bend sinister, point downwards proper. The Arms and Crest were on the page. WAUGHS In 1920 John W. Waugh , son of John Waugh of Wilmot Valley bought a farm from E. H. Rayner . He came to reside in New Annan and spent the rest of his life on their farm. He married Vera Campbell of Chelton , who predeceased him by twenty-one years. He carried on a successful farm operation until health failed him. The last five years of his life being totally confined to bed and wheel chair. He enjoyed the many visits from his pastor and also from the many friends and neighbours, whom he loved to see from time to time. Many a time saying that good friends were better than riches. He died in September of 1965 leaving one son, Charles. Charles was a school teacher. He taught for a while until his father became unable to carry on, he then capably took over the man¬ agement of the farm. He married Henrietta McArthur of Kensington and they have three children: Malcolm Wade , Charles Garth and Gaelyne Joy. RAYNERS AND SMALLMANS After the family of Frank Tuplin moved away, the Josephus Small- man family lived on this farm for a short time. Mr. Tuplin sold the farm to E. H. Rayner and the Smallman fam¬ ily moved to Summer side. E. H. Rayner arrived here from the United States with a family of five: Betty, Calhoun, Virginia, Eleanor and Junior. Another child, Persus, was born while in New Annan . Mr. Rayner was deeply interested in the fur business. They re¬ mained in New Annan for a short time then sold their farm to John W. Waugh . A JOKE A man saw a message and an address on an egg he got for break¬ fast. The message read: "This egg was packed by a girl thousands of miles from the United States. She is supposed to be the prettiest girl in this neighbourhood, and is prepared to marry the man who eats this egg." The man cabled her: "I'll marry you". The girl's reply read: "I am flattered by your proposal, but I am now married and have three children. 83