EdWin married Kaye Bryanton of Spring Valley, they have four girls: Shirley, Shari, Sandra, Joanne. Edwin is a fisherman and carpen- ter; they live on lower New Annan Road. . '

Lawrence, a twin brother of Edwin, married Anne Wadman of Kensington; they have two boys, Brian and Dale. They live next to Edwin; Lawrence also is a fisherman and carpenter.

George lives in Toronto, they have one child.

Doris married Ellery MacKay of Traveller’s Rest, they have three children.

David lives at home.

WILLARD WALL a brother of Richard and Fred lives on the shore road, he never married; his occupation is fishing.


Harold Manderson, son of Mr. & Mrs. John Manderson of Hamil- ton, Prince Edward Island, married Louise Mallett of Traveller’s Rest; they live in New Annan on land once owned by J. J. MacKinnon. Harold’s occupation is fishing. They have the following family: Lloyd, Miriam, Royice, Pauline and Theresa. -

Lloyd lives in Calgary, has one son.

Miriam married Chester Gallant of New Annan and they have the following family: Peter, Brenda, Luke, Mark, Paul and Scott.

Royice built a house on land purchased from Hubert MacDonald. He lives alone, his occupation is fishing.

Pauline married Sterling Barlow of Ellerslie; they live in Scar- borough, Ontario and have eight children.

Theresa lives at home and is employed with Eastern Converters, Summerside. '


. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Mill, the former Olive Smith of Miminegash, came to liVe in New Annan some years ago; Eddie was formerly from Mill’s Point. For a while they rented the Gordon Dalzell house and later purchased land from Walter Moase and built a home on the Clermont Road. Eddie is a carpenter, he also does some fishing. They have two sons, Ivan and Leonard. '


Mr. and Mrs. William Waite, the former Olive Fenenko of Haver- hill, Massachusetts, also Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Waite, the former Helen Vosberg of Endicott, U.S.A. came from United States to live in New An- nan twenty-three years ago. They purchased land from Daniel MacMillan and built a double home on the Summerside Road.

These brothers were formerly Traveller’s Rest boys who went away When quite young. However they decided that Prince Edward Island was the place to live. Both of these men are skilled mechanics; they. retired

some years ago. ‘8-5