Helen (Bruce's wife) died in 1966 and Bruce later moved to Tra¬ veller's Rest. Bill and Olive remain on the home place. The little things that worry us And make us fume and fret And cause us such a lot of fuss, Why can't we just forget? For though each day some worry brings Which we could do without, Just think of all the pleasant things There are to think about. Philip Harrison GALLANTS Solomon Gallant married Jane Arsenault of St. Louis , they live in New Annan on land formerly owned by Harry Schurman . They have the following family: Loretta, Florence, Doris, Chester, Freddie, Frankie, Emily, Joseph, Wilbert; Sheila and Gary , grandchildren, were brought up here. Loretta married Roland Murphy of Grand River , they live on lower Road and have four children: Mary, Noreen, Urban and Helen. Florence married Elmer Richards from , they have two boys. Doris, Frankie, Wilbert and Gary are at home. Chester married Miriam Manderson of New Annan , they live in New Annan and have the following family: Peter, Brenda, Luke, Mark, Paul and Scott. Chester is employed with David Walker . Freddie married Arlene Baker of Kensington, they live in Oshawa, Ontario and have three girls. Emily married James Murphy of Freetown ; they live in Summer- side and have six children. Joseph died when very young. Sheila married Donald Boyles of Kensington, they live in Kensing¬ ton and have one child. Jamieson came along with his rod and line and stopped by the ancient angler who'd been angling in that spot all day. "How are the fish in these parts?" he asked. The old man looked up wearily. "Well," he said, "I really can't say, I've dropped them a line every day for a week now, and I've had no reply yet".