Mr. and Mrs. Peter MacDonald, the former Helen O’Hanley of Mon- ticello, came to live in New Annan about eight years ago. They bought the former Arthur Enman house where they now reside. Peter works on the carferry (cook). They have the following family: Gerald, Lorraine, Rose
Anne, Daniel, Helena, Edna, Brenda, Patsy, David, Peter, Kevin and Bobby.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baglole, the former Janette MacMillan of West Cape, moved to New Annan from Freetown about three years ago. They live in the home formerly owned and occupied by Roland Clark. Ralph works with the Dept. of Highways and they have two children, Gail and Edgar.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert MacDonald, the former Mary O’Hanley of Monticello, came to live in New Annan fifteen years ago; they bought the property formerly owned by Allie MacNeill. Hubert is a Case machin— ery dealer.
They have the following family: Mary Louise, Leonard, John, James, Allan, Darlene and Donna.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Easter, the former Maybelle Woodside of Mal- peque, built a home on land purchased from Walter Moase on the Sum- merside Road in 1962. They formerly lived in Malpeque; they have no family. Roy is a carpenter.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Howard, the former Gertrude MacKenna of Newtown Cross, Lot 57 came to live in New Annan in 1962. They built a home on land purchased from William Haggerty; they formerly farmed in Lot 7. Mrs. Howard taught in New Annan School for five years, she is presently teaching in Margate. Harold is retired.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Frost, the former Linda Colwill of Northam, bought a new home on land purchased from William Haggerty. They were formerly from Springhill, they have one son Andrew. Sidney is a mason.
A lady having her home remodelled called in a carpenter of Irish extraction and inquired if he was a carpenter.
“I am,” said Pat. “Can you do all kinds of work?”
“Sure I can,” was the answer. “Can you make a Venetian blind?” “I can”.
“How would you go about it?” “I’d stick my thumb in his eye”, said Pat.