Mr. and Mrs. Errol Waugh, the former Shirley Mill of Clermont, built a home on land purchased from William Haggerty. They were form- erly from Kelvin. They have one son Wayne. Errol is employed at Sea- ‘brooks and Shirley operates Hy-Style Beauty Parlour in her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Somers, the former Verna Wall, of North Gran— ville, came to live in New Annan on the Clermont Road about nine years ago. They formerly farmed in Indian River. They have a family of three: Philip, Ronald and Trudy.
Philip is completing his senior year at the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario and will become a commissioned officer in the Canadian Armed Forces upon graduation this year 1971.
I have just been listening to Philip being interviewed on Island Gaz- ette, CBC, January 5th, 1971. Congratulations Philip!
Ronald their second son, was a graduate of Truro Agricultural Col- lege in Spring of 1970. He recently married Alberta MacLeod of Park Corner and they reside in Margate.
Trudy lives at home and goes to school. NELSON GALLANTS
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gallant, the former Mary O’Halloran of Broc- ton, bought the service station in New Annan from Shell Oil Company. They live in a mobile home by the station.
Nelson and Mary had been employed in Ontario for sometime. Nel- son was a mechanic for Roy Foss Motors and Mary a receptionist for the Canadian Institute of Science and Technology.
They decided to come back to good old Prince Edward Island and start up a business of their own. They have one child, Paul.
.John Mallett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Mallett of Traveller’s Rest built a house on land purchased from Hubert MacDonald. He came to live in New Annan about two years ago. He is now retired; his occu- pation was carpenter work.
Mr. and Mrs. John V. MacDonald nee Erma Morning of New Mar- ket, Ontario lived on the property once owned by Gordon Dalzell for about ten years, they then moved to Oakville, Ontario.
They had two children: William and June.
William is now attending Sheridan Arts College in Oakville, On- tario.
June is training for a nurse in Toronto Western Hospital.
His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacDonald owned this home and also lived here for awhile.