WAUGHS Mr. and Mrs. Errol Waugh, the former Shirley Mill of Clermont , built a home on land purchased from William Haggerty . They were form¬ erly from Kelvin . They have one son Wayne. Errol is employed at Sea- brooks and Shirley operates Hy -Style Beauty Parlour in her home. THE SOMERS FAMILY Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Somers , the former , of ¬ ville, came to live in New Annan on the about nine years ago. They formerly farmed in Indian River . They have a family of three: Philip, Ronald and Trudy . Philip is completing his senior year at the Royal Military College in Kingston , Ontario and will become a commissioned officer in the Canadian Armed Forces upon graduation this year 1971. I have just been listening to Philip being interviewed on Island Gaz¬ ette, CBC, January 5th, 1971. Congratulations Philip! Ronald their second son, was a graduate of Truro Agricultural Col¬ lege in Spring of 1970. He recently married Alberta MacLeod of Park Corner and they reside in Margate . Trudy lives at home and goes to school. NELSON GALLANTS Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gallant , the former Mary O'Halloran of Broc- ton, bought the service station in New Annan from Shell Oil Company . They live in a mobile home by the station. Nelson and Mary had been employed in Ontario for sometime. Nel¬ son was a mechanic for Roy Foss Motors and Mary a receptionist for the Canadian Institute of Science and Technology. They decided to come back to good old Prince Edward Island and start up a business of their own. They have one child, Paul. JOHN MALLETT John Mallett , son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Mallett of Traveller's Rest built a house on land purchased from Hubert MacDonald . He came to live in New Annan about two years ago. He is now retired; his occu¬ pation was carpenter work. JOHN V. MacDONALD 'S Mr. and Mrs. John V. MacDonald nee Erma Morning of New Mar¬ ket, Ontario lived on the property once owned by Gordon Dalzell for about ten years, they then moved to Oakville, Ontario . They had two children: William and June. William is now attending Sheridan Arts College in Oakville, On¬ tario. June is training for a nurse in Toronto Western Hospital. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacDonald owned this home and also lived here for awhile.