Mr. and Mrs. Arnold MacDonald nee Florence Jelley of O’Leary

recently purchased the property from the estate of the late Neil MacDon— ald.

They have two sons and one daughter.

Tyrone married Brenda Driscoll of Summerside, they have one child.

Gregory married Heather Brown of Kensington, they also have one child.

Sherri goes to school.

Other men such as Theophilus Hart, Samuel Collicutt, Frank Gau- det, John MacLean, John MacArthur, Oriele DesRoche, etc. lived in the district for a short time and worked for the farmers.


Sent by parents to their newspaper for publishing (Kansas City Star) “Maybe if we share this letter it will help other parents.

Dear Folks:

Thank you for everything, but I am going to another city and try and start some kind of new life.

You asked me why I did those things and why I gave you so much trouble and the answer is easy for me to give you, but I am wondering if you will understand.

Remember when I was about six or seven and I used to want you to just listen to me? I remember all the nice things you gave me for Christ- mas and my birthday and I was real happy with the things for about a week at the time I got the things but the rest of the time during the year I really didn’t want presents. I just wanted all the time for you to listen to me like I was somebody who felt things too, because I remember even when I was young I felt things. But you said you were busy.

Mom, you are a wonderful cook, and you had everything so clean and you were tired so much from doing all those things that made you busy; but you know something Mom ? I would have liked crackers and peanut butter just as well—if you had only sat down with me a little while during the day and said to me: “Tell me all about it so I can maybe help

you understand.”

And when Donna came I couldn’t understand why everyone made so much fuss because I didn’t think it was my fault that her hair is curly and her teeth so white, and she doesn’t have to wear glasses with such thick lenses. Her grades were better too, weren’t they?

If Donna ever has any children I hope you will tell her to just pay some attention to the one who doesn’t smile very much because that one

will really be crying inside.

And when she is about to bake dozens of cookies to make sure first

that the kids don’t want to tell her about a dream_ or a hope or some- thing, because thoughts are important too to small k1ds even though they