A GRANDMOTHER In a recent issue of the Journal-Pioneer, an essay by an eight-year- old, Grade 3, youngster was reprinted from The Langley Advance, a Bri¬ tish Columbia newspaper. Being a grandmother myself I was quite en¬ thused with it. For readers who missed the item, here it is. A grandmother is a lady who has no children of her own so she likes other people's little girls. A grandfather is a man grandmother. He goes for walks with the boys and they talk about fishing and tractors and things like that. Grandmas don't have to do anything except be there. They are old, so they shouldn't play hard or run. It's enough if they drive us to the supermarket where the pretend horse is, and have lots of dimes ready. Or if they take us for a walk, they should slow down past things, like pretty leaves or caterpillars. They should never say hurry up. Usually they are fat but not too fat to tie kids shoes. They wear glasses and funny underwear and they can take their teeth and gums off. It's better if they don't typewrite or play cards except with us. They don't have to be smart, only answer questions like why dogs hate cats or how come God isn't married. They don't talk baby talk like visitors do because it is hard to under¬ stand. When they read to us, they don't skip or mind if it is the same story again. Everybody should try to have one, especially if you don't have TV, because grandmas are the only grownups who have got time. PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE DISTRICT 1. Mrs. Emeline MacKay (lives in S'Side) ; 2. John Marchbank ; 3. Rob¬ ert Marchbank; 4. Mrs. Robina MacKay ; 0. Bruce MacKay (living in Mc- Adam , N.B. ) ; 5. Frank Tanton ( Manitoba ); 6. Island Propane Gas, Sum¬ merside; 7. H. L. Hill , Seattle, Washington; 8. Charles Waugh ; 9. Lewis and Sterling Moase; 10. Errol Thompson; 11. Donald Moase ; 12. Robert Williams ; 13. Mrs. J. P. Mclnnis , Allison Mclnnis ; 14. Robert Moase ; 15. Keith Thompson ; 16. Wendell Moase ; 17. Nelson Gallant ; 18. Farms Frozen Foods Ltd. (Montreal) ; 19. Elmer Moase ; 20. William Waite ; 21. Roy Easter ; 22. Walter Moase ; 23. Clarence Moase ; 24. Wendell Pro- fitt; 25. James Thompson ; 26. John Moase ; 27. Kenneth Pidgeon ; 28. Ste¬ wart Moase; 29. Herbert Poole ; 30. Walter Schurman ; 31. Sidney Frost ; 32. Errol Waugh; 33. Harold Howard ; 34. Alvin Curley ; 35. Reginald MacKay ; 36. Alton Bell , Mrs. Ruth Carr ; 37. William Haggerty (Hagger- ty Race Track) ; 38. Viola Haggerty ( Roxbury , Massachusetts ); 39. Jar- vis Dalzell; 40. Land, Mrs. Leland Curley , Clermont ; 41. Land, David Walker of Traveller's Rest; 42. Charles Bryanton . Beginning at and going east: 43 David Schurman ; 44. Mrs. Alfred Schurman ; 45 Lot, Mrs. Ernest LeClair (S'Side) ; 46. A. W. Newhook (cottage) lives in Summerside ; 47. Emanuel Gallant (cottage) lives in Summerside ; 48. Harold Manderson ; 49.. Delbert Rayner ; 50. Miss Bertha MacKinnon ; 51. ; 52. (lot) ; 53. ; 54. Island Holiday's Farms (Loring Rayner) ; 55. Simmons & MacFarlane 91