Ltd., Summerside ; 56. Chester Gallant ; 57. Solomon Gallant ; 58. Donald Schurman ; 59 Ralph Baglole ; 60. Harry Schurman ; 61. Mrs. Oliver Payn- ter rented to Mr. & Mrs. John Grose , the former Ruth Bray of England, they have two children, David and Barbara. John works at Seabrooks and Ruth teaches at Traveller's Rest; 62. Royce Manderson; 63. John Mallett ; 64. Hubert MacDonald ; 65. (lot) ; 66. (lot); 67. Peter MacDonald ; 68. Land, George Taylor , Traveller's Rest; 69. ; 70. ; 71. Cedric Mclnnis (vacant house). He lives at Sum¬ merset Manor; 72. James MacKay (lot); 73. Roland Murphy ; 74. Ells¬ worth Wall; 75. New Annan School. Along : 76. Edwin Mill ; 77. Elmer Somers ; 78. Arn¬ old MacDonald, Barton. Ralph Rogers purchased a lot from William Haggerty on Hag- gerty Road. SOURCES OF INFORMATION History of Prince Edward Island , P. Blakely , M. Vernon ; Public Ar¬ chives, Ottawa; Meacham Atlas of 1840; Geographical Survey, Ottawa; Tales of Abegweit, Bremner; Office of Lands and Deeds, Charlottetown ; Millar MacFadyen, Dept. of Education, Charlottetown ; Place Names of P.E.I. ; R. Douglas (1925) ; P. E. Island Libraries, Charlottetown ; Different histories; Dr. R. G. Lea , Charlottetown ; Old newspapers; Old scrapbooks; Mrs. Reginald Haslam , Springfield ; Rev. Thomas Millman , D.D ., Toronto ; C. B. Shaw , Brudenell ; Roland Tuplin , California ; William Johnstone , Ken¬ sington ; Waldron Stewart , Kensington ; James Pendergast , Charlottetown ; Mrs. Edgar Hickey , Indian River . A few of the older residents of New An nan and surrounding districts. SUNSHINE AND RAIN If all days were sunny days, How soon we should complain, And long for just one stormy day To bring the cooling rain! If all days were rainy days And the weather never fine, We'd soon grow tired of the rain And want the sun to shine. But rain after sunshine And sunshine after rain Remind us that our troubles, Will pass away again. The rainy days and sunny days By turns they come and go, But all days are happy days To those who make them so! Happy May "A RECIPE FOR A GOOD DAY" Take 2 parts of unselfishness and 1 part of patience and work to¬ gether. Add plenty industry. Lighten with good spirits and sweeten with kindness, put in smiles as thick as plums in a plum pudding and bake by the warmth that springs from a living heart. (If this fails to make a good day the fault is with the cook not the recipee). 94